People of the Week
I don't know what it is...I've been rather sentimental these few days. Maybe it's because our unit lost one of it's favorite patients a few days ago or that the school weeks seem to fly by while the school work piles up chapter-by-chapter. Anyways...
I was SO incredibly happy to have spent some quality time with my two good friends from nursing school. One, who was recently married and relocated to Ohio and the other, who enjoys playing "phone-tag" with me at least 3 times a week. I haven't seen these cats since July, but I have been keeping in touch with them by phone and the power of the blog.

So my first people of the week award goes to Meenu and Tefsit (aka Meens and Rough-Stuff). We go way back...bumbling through nursing school exams, labs, and validation videos. Not just double trouble, but TRIPLE trouble!!!

The other person of the week is my brother, Mikey. About 3 years ago, I convinced Mikey to run in the Baltimore Marathon Relay Team with me, Has, and Chika. He ran the 11 mile leg of the race without a problem. Once year later, we both ran in the Baltimore Half-Marathon (13 miles!) together...well, sort of. We started out running side-by-side through the streets of Baltimore City until mile 7, then Mikey was like, "See-YA!" and continued off. What a great brother!?!?!? Anyways, after finishing the Half-Marathon, Mikey swore that he would never run again because of the shear exhaustion and mental anguish it created for him. But that thought didn't last too long because one month later, he was training for a FULL marathon!!! (And yes, ladies, he's single!)
Yup, so last year he ran his FIRST marathon...the Marine Corps Marathon of all things. Finished just a little over 4 hours...unbelievable!!!!
Now...just this Sunday, October 30th, 2005, Mikey completed his SECOND Marine Corps Marathon. I spoke to him today and he's already planning on running at THIRD in Virginia later this winter. How awesome his he????