Great Minds Think Alike...Well, sort of...
Just when I thought I was safe from any Tanookie moments, this one snuck up on me so quickly, I had barely enough time react (and neither did the other person). Literally, this happened about 15 minutes ago and the adrenaline is still coarsing through my veins!

I was at Owings Mills Mall shopping for a last minute item of clothing for a wedding Has and I are attending in North Carolina (BTW, congrats Aimee & Aaron!). I found a cropped black jacket from Forever 21 (forgive me!) and was leaving the store.
Has calls on the cell and I talk to him as I walk...BIG mistake since you'll read in a few minutes that I can't do two things at the same time.
"What's for dinner?" Has reminds me again.

"Okay. I'll ask my manager if he's been there and if it's good enough to eat in, " Has says uncertainly. Sheesh, man! If it doesn't serve fresh paratas (shout-out to Sarah!) or a tandoori chicken of some kind, it's NOT good for him!
"Hey, I have a cute story about Murry today. I was studying and he was sleeping between me and my book. He got so comfortable that he was laying on his back again all stretched out. He was so cute and I mean stretched out!"

Let me remind you that I'm still walking to the parking lot...
I continue, "I wanted to take a picture of him so I got up to get the camera. I turned and then I heard him fall off the desk. (Has laughs and I unlock my car with the remote.) I look at him and there he is hanging by his little nails on the arm of the chair!!! It was so..."

...I trail off and suddenly scream as I open my car door. I was about to throw my Forever 21 bag into the passenger side and, there in the driver's side of the car was a woman about my age sitting, smiling, and talking on her cell phone.
"Oh my God, I'm soooo sorry!" I manage to say with a dry mouth. Meanwhile, a puzzled, yet concerned Has is still on the phone and said, "What...did you fall?" I wish!

Boy, was she understanding "It's okay!" from what I recall her saying smiling. Her smile reminded me of Kristen Kreuk.
Puh-leese, let me find my car and don't make me walk past that other car a second time! She must think I'm a stalker and a cRaZy! Embarrassed, I do find my own RAV4 which is directly across from her's facing the opposite direction. I'm so embarrassed that I can barely find the words to tell Hassan what just happened. My eyes are watering from sheer embarrassment and laughter.
"Just make sure you drive home safely and find your way home, okay?" I heard Has say over the phone. I'm in a daze as I drive off. My brother calls and I tell him the story. He's laughing at me and say, "Are you going to put this in your blog?" DAMN, right! And, what tha hell just happened?!?!?!?
I LITERALLY could not stop laughing when I read this blog Christina!!! You are sooo crazy :) I can't wait until we here Hassan's version of listening to you on the phone while this happened !!!!!!
LOL! Sarah's mom has a similar story where she's walking out of a party with the left over food. She's talking to her friend and they drop off the food in the back of their SUV and go back into the party. They come out later, drive home and open the back... NO FOOD! After a few minutes of confusion they realize they left the food in some stranger's SUV they thought was theres.
LOL..... I cant stop laughing.
Well, at least you did not leave a ton of catered desi food in the back of some stranger SUV... imagine them getting in the car in the morn!
Dang, just opened a HUGE can of worms! Work stories are sometimes stressful to relieve by writing. NOW nursing SCHOOL stories I can tell! I always laugh at our nurse validation stressed we were in learing how to prime IV tubing or how to draw up insulin (cloudy, clear, clear,cloudy!). And don't for get those poor oranges injected with saline!
I can't believe we used to be in the practice labs on Saturday mornings practicing how to set up our sterile fields, suction, and do wet-to-dry dressing changes on a fake-ass!
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