Celebrity News
If anyone knows me, they know that I'm in THE know for the latest celebrity gossip. I know, I know...It's a HUGE character flaw of mine that I'm trying to improve upon. Although I don't have a subscription to 'US' magazine or 'People', I do have access to the Internet and the E! channel so that does me just fine.
On my way to clinical at Loyola, I was driving down Northern Parkway. At a stoplight, I notice a yellow sign with "Oliver" written on it. As I continue driving, I see more of these signs posted on streetlights and at various intersections.
"Oliver", "Oliver", "Oliver"...what is this some college student's birthday joke? Then, I saw the sign "Extras".
AH-HA! There must be a movie being shot around here! I secretly sit up a little higher and taller as if I'm a celebrity with my sunglasses on.
I pull into my designated parking lot at The Cathedral of Queen Mary to find that an "Extras" sign has followed me as well. There, occupying half of my parking lot were a circus of white tents and green trailers. I saw cherry-picker trucks, various lights and cables, and golf carts.

Anyways, I park....as close to the tents as I can. Like a nosy neighbor on "Desperate Housewives", I peer between parked cars and under trucks to see if I can catch a glimpse of someone famous. No such luck. Damn!
Maybe it wasn't a movie crew, but perhaps only a local film shooting a commercial or just a really, really expensive wedding ceremony caught on film. (With a celebrity perhaps?!?!)
I get out of my car and board the shuttle to campus. I NEED to find out what is going on around here. Walking to the health center I run into a co-worker. "What are they filming here on campus?" I ask her. "Oh, some movie with Nicole Kidman and George Clooney, " she replies. (Weren't they in another movie together?)

I go to my exam room and quickly access the Internet to find out if it was true. A movie called "Oliver"? Sounds like a remake of the Broadway play. That's not interesting. I "Yahoo-ed" the words "Nicole Kidman' and 'Oliver' together. I find out that 'Oliver' is actually the name of the director for "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Interesting...
So that's my celebrity news...Not very impressive and just plain trivial, but isn't all celebrity news trivial in retrospect?
anooru1 and I went to Universal Studios in Hollywood a day before my wedding. We were walking by and anooru1 says, "Hey, that looks just like Jay Leno!" And I go, "Nah, it's a look alike." We began staring at the guy interviewing people and it finally registered, HOLY S!!! That's Jay Leno and he's doing Jay Walk. True story.
I once saw Jaleel White (Steve Urkle) at Universal Studios.. Same night we smashed my baby's sisters face in the car door.. poor thing still has a scar on her eye-brow from it.
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