Hello, All! This blog entry is a montage of thoughts...some longer than others (that's if I spend more time in lines thinking about things). Just remember, even though I may be pregnant...the fists of fury is still the same, even though my fingers may be a little swollen at this point!
1) It's been two weeks since our summer trip out to Hatteras Island. What a wonderful week it was! We stayed in a little town called Waves and we rented a 6 bedroom house called
"Island Bliss" on the beach with four other couples and Showieb. Ironically (and blessed it be) it was the same group that we traveled with or met through Hajj almost 2 years ago! Pictures are sure to follow once I get out of my lazy mood. It was a relaxing week where the biggest part of the day was cooking our meals. We'd sleep in to about 10 am and eat dinner 9:30-10 pm! We had our turkey dinner, girls time at the pool all week long, glass beading, sleeping on the beach (my personal favorite), Jinn stories by the bonfire, and halal smores!
2) Ramadan Mubarak! It's that time of year again...but this time around I won't be fasting because of the pregancy. I feel bad for Hassan as he goes through the days of fasting alone. During the weekends I have to shoo him to the basement so that he doesn't hear me pull out the dishes or smell the food that I am eating. I try to make it up to him by preparing a hearty sahoor (before sunrise meal).
3) Does cheese in a wax casing have to be refrigerated? I spent almost 30 minutes researching this very important question. I ask because my parents just returned from a Caribbean cruise and purchased a gigantic wheel of gouda cheese encased in red paraffin wax. Although the milk used to make the cheese was pasteurized (safe for preggers), I'm not sure if it was refridgerated the whole time. SO...does anyone know this answer? I have to admit...I did have a couple of bites (and what a good cheese it was), but after reading the risk of Listeria I controlled my urge.
4) Etiquitte in the "Self-Check Out Line" at the grocery store: Our grocery store recently implemented this cost-saving and time-saving idea, unfortunately the mass population must learn (the hard way) the proper strategy when approaching these new machines.
1) Make sure you have a shopping partner: One person to scan items and another person to bag groceries...this saves time. One person will slow down the process and thus crush the "time-saving" concept.
2) Shopping baskets welcome...shopping carts = get into another line: There should be a limit to the number of items that one should consider "self-check out". What's the point in having a 50 items if you have to scan everything and then bag it yourself? Forget getting in that line if that person has no partner.
3) Follow the directions: Sounds simple, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't. Even though there is an automated person talking to you, somehow you do your own thing and the "Please see attendant" warning flashes. Awww...you got in trouble!
What was the best time you had in OBX?
People who have a lot of items in the self-checkout line sound pretty selfish to me. At least the normal lines people are nice enough to let you go ahead if all you are getting is just one or two things.
I can attest that Chris has prepared many "Hearty" sahoor meals for me.
The best times in OBX (in no particular order):
1) Going to bed around 1:30 - 2:30 am every night and sleeping in
2) Glass beading with the girls
3) Swimming
4) Walking on the beach with Has
5) Bonfire and smores
6) Being the first to introduce Ihsan to the pool
7) Walking through the house the first time
For me,
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Halo 2 with you all and just devastating the house with my average skills.
Secondly, beating the ladies three times in Taboo. That never happens in Cali!
I also enjoyed walking on the beach with Has, he has soft hands. LOL!
I love self checkout, but one thing I have noticed is that they now only have 1 or 2 checkout lanes with people. So if you have lot of groceries is may still faster to do the self check out.
Favorites Moments from the trip:
0) The Food!!!!!
1) Taking Ihsan to the pool.
2) Getting beat down by the waves.
3) Getting whooped by Kamran in Halo 2 and playing Madden 08
4) Rabia screaming during Disturbia.
Ha ha! Aqil! The food was great, thanks by in large part the ladies hard work. I should have signed up early, I wanted to cook one of the nights.
I have to say meeting Ihsan was a pretty cool experience. Now you guys know I don't hate kids, I love 'em, they are just scared of me.
My favorite line this summer, "I fail!" Aqil's winning impersonation of his wife.
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