Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Okay, okay, enough of the "serious" stuff. I'm surprised that I've lasted this long without blogging about my favorite TV shows. I'll have to limit myself to 2 shows because I could blog a little here and a little there about everything...


Has and I didn't start watching LOST until the 5th episode of the second season. The media buzz about this show caught my attention and curiousity. I was talking to my brother one day and asked if he'd ever watched the show. "You've NEVER seen it?!?!?" Mikey blurted out. Next very next weekend, Mikey handed me the the ENTIRE first season of LOST on DVD. There went our next 3 weekends. It was a LOST marathon. We finally caught up to the second season. I couldn't get enough of it!

There is so much going on with the show! Every survivor of the Oceanic plane crash has their own story in addition to the main story line. You really have to pay attention in each episode because if you listen or look closely enough into the show, you'll realize that each of the characters are related in some way. And they don't even know it!

The island itself is a HUGE mystery. No one knows where the story is headed, but everyone has their own theory. The survivors find this hatch that leads to an underground bunker. There's a mysterious counter that alarms off every 108 minutes. If they don't enter a series of numbers into the computer something "very bad" will happen to the island. What the freak?!?!

What's up with the trees being pulled out of the ground for no reason? The invisible "monsters" on the island that kill people? Or the polar bear in the middle of the jungle? And most recently, what is that map on the door that fell on Locke's leg?!?!? And the "numbers" : 4-8-15-16-23-42. They appear everywhere in the just have to look for them! They're on the hatch, in the distress call, the lottery numbers, the code you type in the computer every 108 minutes!

There is HUGE following of fans for this show. I insist that I'm not crazy like them, but I do admit to checking out the chat boards on to see what people's theories are about the show.


This my latest indulgence. Forget "Desperate Housewives" because a show about polygamy has definitely caught my attention! "Big Love" recently premiered on HBO and I seriously doubt that it will make it to public television. It's basically about a Bill Henrickson, a hardworking, middle-class man in Utah (no surprise here) what just so happens to have 3 wives and 6 children between them all. He grew up in a certain Christian sect that isolates themselves into "communities" and believes in polygamy. There's also a chosen "Prophet" who leads the group and runs his business like the Mafia. Bill Henrickson gets kicked out of the community and attempts to start a new wife at a time.

The Henrickson clan moves into typical suburbia (probably one street down from Wisteria Lane) where all 3 wives live next door to one another. From the front of the house they appear to live separate lives where Bill always enters one house everyday, but behind the houses they share a common backyard and pool. They hide this lifestyle from the rest of the neighborhood and invite "friends" (other polygamist families) over to play what else, Spades!

I have to admit, it took me a couple episodes to swallow this show without difficulty. Initally, it was creepy to watch Bill come home from work and kiss all three wives as they made dinner together.

What's interesting are the characters.

Bill: Poor Bill. How he hasn't collapsed of a heart attack yet surprises me. If it's not the stress of listening to 20 voicemails a day that'll kill him, it'll sure be the fact that he spends "quality" time with a different wife each night (hey, remember it's HBO!).

Barb: She's the O.G. of the wives and is regarded by the other wives as the "boss lady". She's responsible for the master "Honey-Do" lists and making the monthly "sleepover" schedules for Bill.

Nikki: The religious conservative of the group and ironically the most manipulative one. She'll bend the truth any which way to get what she wants. Unfortunately, she owes the credit company $58,000 because she's a bonafide shop-a-holic. And her husband doesn't even know!

Margene: The youngest, cutest (by Has' standards), and most naive of the three. She's in her early 20s and not only has to learn how to be a wife, but find her place in a polygamist family!

The children: I'm not even 100% sure how many there really are! There's a cute red head with black glasses and two boys who resembles Lynette's (from "Desperate's") twin terrors. Don't forget a baby hanging off of Margene's baby fat hips. Add two teenagers into the mix and you've got a lot of drama!


Blogger Kamran Ahmad, CISSP said...

I didn't read the Lost part of your blog cause I felt a spoiler coming on (haven't seen season 2 yet). Big Love sounds pretty cool... sounds like watching a train wreck.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Big love sounds outrageous (but cool). Who the heck would want to be in a polygamous relationship? Not me!!!
Anyway, LOST is awesome. Chris- I am actually still waiting for season 2 from you.

5:12 PM  

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