Since returning from our trip and passing the boards, I find myself with
A LOT more time on my hands. Much needed because I have started to clean up our house. Didn't realize just
HOW MUCH the house was neglected between December and now! It also has allowed me to think about some random things...
1) Does anyone want to join me in a managed deer hunt? Damn these animals. With the help a famous
Disney movie, they have may look innocent and helpless, but
THEY are the ones that threaten
MY home. When we first moved into our home, I was incredibly eager to start
planting outside. I bought some
pansies and planted them around our tree and borders. I swear to you, the
VERY next morning (
barely 15 hours had gone by!) every single one of them were ripped out from the ground and eaten!
The bastards! AND NOW, as our third spring approaches, they have struck again! Last week before leaving for
Costa Rica, I was thrilled when I saw that my
tulips were sprouting. I was even more elated when I saw that some of them had even
multiplied! When we returned, I noticed that not only were the tulip leaves missing, but that some of the bulbs were
ripped clean out of the ground!
AND, some tulips were neatly
beheaded by those buck-toothed chompers.
Last year's tulips...BEA-U-TI-FUL!
The same are of our lawn this year...damn, those deer. 2) Spent the later afternoon "thatching" our lawn. Never heard this word before until we owned a
house and yard. Basically, you rake your lawn free of any dead grass and leaves. That allows the lawn to
"breathe" (yet another term I had never used) and grow healthier grass. Scary thing is, I think our
ENTIRE lawn needs to be thatched because I was ripping up entire clumps of grass and leaving behind
pockets of dirt. Which leads me to #3...
3) Crab grass: friend or foe? "Foes" because they may look like grass, but are actually
weeds. Spent the
OTHER half of late afternoon ripping these things out of (or worse yet, what's left of) my
tulip beds. They are easy to rip up and some, surprisingly infiltrate deep into the ground. I say
"friend" because I have a sneaking suspicious that our
ENTIRE yard is all
crab grass. Therefore, they keep our yard green and prevent our yard from looking like an abandoned
softball field.
4) Why can't clueless drivers accept their mistakes? I was on the
795 connector highway getting ready to merge onto
I-695 South. Let me illustrate that there are 2 lanes merging into
I-695 South. I was in the
inner (left) lane and a few cars in front of me there was a big white car in the
outer (right) lane. As these 2 lanes begin to separate from the 795 highway, the white car
suddenly realizes that this is
NOT the way he wants to go. It was obvious the he wanted to stay on 795. Let me remind you that he is in the outer right lane and now all I see are
brake lights ahead.
This is where I have problems with drivers. Rather than submitting to the rules of the road, this white car
SUDDENLY slows down, signals
(HAHA), forces his way into our lane, and attempts to squeeze his way
BACK onto 795.
Why is that people can't admit they are going the wrong way?!?! They have to quickly
fix their problem by making sudden turns, thus putting other people at risk of collision. Why couldn't he have continued going the wrong way, take the first available exit, turn around
(safely), and
re-entered the highway in the direction he wanted?!?! I tell you why...because that is a
selfish driver who does not think of anyone else, but himself and where he needs to be. He cannot be
inconvienced by a wrong turn on a major highway. Instead, all he cares about it getting into the right lane and crossing a few
solid lines.
I've seen this selfish phenomenon done several times. It pisses me off every single time...
5) Ever discriminate against the elderly? I was the grocery store approaching the check-out lines. I only have
one item in my hand and could easily qualify for the
"15 items or less" aisle. I stand in line behind an
old lady with
EXACTLY (no joke, 'cause I counted)
15 items in her cart and a handful of
coupons. Rather than giving her the benefit of the doubt, I stealthfully move to the
next check-out aisle.
Why did I do this? Why? Because I
assumed that this would be a painful check-out process to
witness. I didn't have the patience to watch her skinny,
arthritic fingers shuffle through her coupons or count out exactly
You think I'm bad?!?!? What would YOU do if #4 AND #5 were added together? You see what I'm sayin'?!?!?!
I see exactly what you're saying Nurse Chris. Damn near got killed by a deer once running accross the road. When we were at your place we saw them in your front yard, scared the hell out of me. To this day I shiver whenever I see them... evil evil creatures.
"Though slow and dangerous behind the wheel, old people do serve a purpose."
-Lloyd Christmas (20th Century Philosopher)
all I gotta say is ....
I loooove you blog. :)
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