The Big Two-Eight

This year, this "holiday week" has been an interesting one. I've been thinking about the past and a WHOLE lot about the future. It makes me anxious to think about where I've come from and where I'm headed.

I don't know why I do it. Maybe I'm one "energon cube" away from attending Star Trek conventions or perhaps I truly enjoyed this part of my life. Or maybe I'm afraid of forgetting about my childhood and have nothing left but my "adulthood" memories. Who wants only that?!?!? I feel that it keeps me young and the gears in my aging brain turning. Revisiting my past memories keep things fresh. Talking to others about the 80s helps me remember the things that I have forgotten. It's the little details like, "What was the name of Huey, Duey, and Luey's nanny in 'DuckTales'?" (Shout out, Kamran!) that cause a lightbulb to turn on in my head. If I forget about these details and never care to revisit them, then my memories as a child are gone-FOREVER.
So in reaction to this week, I have requested that the following DVDs be sent to my home via Netflix:

3) Return to Oz: I remember a crazy Dorothy in an insane asylum and a headless witch who chose a "head" like it was a hat.
4) Legend: A young Tom Cruise in a magical land where fairy dust and pollen floated

5) The Care Bears Movie: "Care Bears Stare! Five, four, three, two, one!"
6) The Dark Crystal: Can't recall much...mouse-like people, Jim Henson puppet movie.
7) The Secret of N-I-H-M: Can't recall much either except a homely mouse is reluctant to go a quest.

8) The Last Unicorn: I actually bought this on VHS (remember those?!?!) when I was in college.
9) Transformers: The Movie: A true "classic" and Optimus will forever be alive in my heart.
To make things worse, I have also joined the "" crew where I can now rehash about everything 80s. I know, I know...I'm a freak, but now I can join others who share my obsession!.
As for the uncertain future, I am preparing for the nurse practitioner board exam in March. Will I pass? I have no idea. Once it happens, I can stop working as a nurse in the PICU and work as an NP "somewhere".
30 years is the beginning of the third decade of life. I am only 2 years away from this milestone. My mom assures me that this does not mean anything, but I have surpassed her age when she first became my mother. Just another thing I've been thinking about a little bit more everyday...

Happy Birthday Christina!!! I use to love Labryinth and the Secret of the Nimh as a kid - I think I might add those to my netflix as well!!!!
Happy Bday Chris! Geez girl, how come you like all the stuff I like? It's just not natural. Your movie collection rocks! I have Labrinthe and Dark Crystal in my collection. Netflix also has Thundercats and He-Man so I'm gonna get those too. Have you seen "40 year old virgin" yet? It's a bit dirty but funny. The main guy has the apartment I always wanted, filled with toys from the 80's.
HAHA...I did see that movie and it made me wish I had saved all my the original package, of course!
I don't know why I'm such a freak about reliving the 80s toys and shows...I think it's from growing up with 2 brothers and not to mention watching too much tv in our "latchkey" children days.
Joining retro junk has added fuel to the fire. I'm obsessed with have to control how many posts I make...Otherwise I'll monopolize the whole site!
Trapperkeepers! Yes! How many of those did I go through when I was a kid? What year do you think that movie was set in? Nobody I know can answer that.
That's my friend Shawn btw, we talk about this stuff ALL the time. We should start a group or something.
I think Napoleon Dynamite had to occur maybe 1985? I have no proof, though. Has and I re-watched the first 15 minutes the other day. There were so many funny lines! I think he's just a funny and random character...unicorns? Wolverines? HAHA!!!!!
I remember Trapper Keepers...they came in all different colors and crazy designs. What was really funny was when the teacher asked you to take out your homework, the classroom would be filled with the sounds of velcro!
Transformers: The Movie-you don't understand how hard I had to look for it back in 1990-91...on VHS! Even before they came out again...I called every video store out there looking for it. Finally when I found it, my dad copied it for me (sorry, FBI warning) and the quality was awful. So now I'm excited that it'll be here in a few weeks! Oh yeah...I downloaded "You Got the Touch" song from the movie and burned it into a CD a couple years ago. It's still in my car.
As for starting a group...I'm in! You should see me in the forums at've started about 4 topics and have commented on TONS of other conversations. It's crazy! But I'm glad that there are other people out there too!
HAPPPPY BIRTHDAY AMIGA!!! So, sorry I am late. ...
I FORGOT my password for blogspot! :-O ...
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