Friday, March 03, 2006


So it's Friday...I don't want to study. The Tanookie transforms itself into a big ADD monster. Studying definitely works like a bell curve and I'm on it's way down...way down. My life is so stagnant right now that all I do is study AND occasionally get to breath fresh air.

My one outing of the day was to the doctor's office. Yipee. Before we went to Hajj we had to get immunized against some 3rd world communicable diseases...meningitis, hepatitis, influenza, tetanus. The works. I had to go today for my second series of the Hepatitis A. (Don't worry...I was A LOT better behaved than Murry!)

All was well until I had to pay the fee...a whole $75 for one measly shot and 5 minutes of actual clinical time! I explained to the secretary that my insurance (good 'ol BlueCross of Illinios) covered this vaccine. But all she could say was "Sorry...we don't accept insurance for vaccines. YOU have to submit the claim and get reimbursed. " WELL...I ain't fallin' for that sheeznit of an answer AGAIN.

Flashback to 5 months ago: I racked up a $320 bill on the inital vaccines and travel consultation. Paid the ENTIRE bill on my VISA and spent the next 2 months playing the middle-man between my insurance company and Patuxent Medical. Submit this here, wait a few weeks, resubmits again, and again...

Flashfoward to TODAY at 11am (before my appointment): Spoke with the insurance company to verify that I am indeed covered for this visit. If they want me to pay, I have to play the part of the "annoying patient who refuses to pay" and "the disruptive one". Note: currently on month 3 in trying to get Has' $220 reimbursed from his initial visit. How fun!

Flashfoward to the present: Waiting patiently at the check-out window while (the secretary) whispers to the billing lady. I can see them, but refuse to look at the waiting room full of sick patients as they wait for the doctor who is Takeisha*45 minutes behind schedule. Yikes. Anyways, talked with the billing lady and explained my story...she verifies with the computer and confirms that I am indeed covered. My VISA stays in my wallet and I dodge the middle man bullet. Freedom!

*Flashback to
Takeisha checking me in: she says, "Is Christina...(long pause)...mmm, I can't even say this (last) name. " The nerve! How embarrassing was that?!? In front of everyone! All I could do was laugh...Surely, I could have managed. Dang, 4 years in Baltimore City...I've seen every name imaginable and when I'm unsure of the prounounciation, I ASK.


Blogger Kamran Ahmad, CISSP said...

LOL! Good story. That reminds me I have to go on in for my Hepatitis shot too.

3:21 PM  

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