"Life can lick a nut"

...a quote from Aamina's blog about nuts and life. I kinda like that saying...
So it begins the countdown to my Family NP board exam...13 days until 3/13. Is that bad luck already?!?!?!? At least it's not on a Friday. I've been studying pretty regularly ever since we got back from Hajj. Not CrAzY studying or anything. I've been listening to a lecture review on CD, doing practice questions in a review book, studying with Jenny every week at the library, and condensing my ALL the information I need to know into a 1 inch binder PLUS.
Now, I'm done. Out of the 24 in our class, I know about 10 who have taken and PASSED that darn test. (Dang!) Most of which are now working Monday through Friday and 9-5 putting their FNP, CRNP credentials to work (Dang, again)!!! Why does that make me so CrAzY and AnXiOuS?!?!?!?! I'm going to literally throw myself into V-tach if I hear one more person passes before I even take the exam. (Jenny takes her exam on Thursday...good luck!)
I feel like I'm preparing pretty well...but it is cognitively impossible to retain all this information. Just when I thought I had a handle on the information, I find yet another detail or concept I didn't even learn about! AGHHH! I didn't study NEARLY as much for my RN exam...I remember I bought a dinky review book ("The NCLEX-RN Made Easy") that I didn't even finish because I ran out of time studying! Seriously, if you are looking for a review book, that review book was great because it broke down the concepts into it's simplest form AND it had cute pictures to help remember the difficult concepts. (Ahem, Aamina!)
Has tries to calm me down by saying, "Don't worry so much...the worse you can do is fail. Here have ANOTHER cookie. (munch, munch) " WOW...I guess that puts it into perspective. I know I shouldn't be anxious about this exam...there's no NP job waiting on me. I have a job now in the PICU.
I usually tell myself, "It's not the end of the world." It usually does the trick. It brings me back down to the ground and slaps some sanity into my head. There are more important things out there than passing this test on the first go-around. Sheesh, Chris!
...wish me luck. Speaking of "lucky days"...

PS-Jenny called me after her exam and told me that she passed! Congrats, Jenny!!! Sigh...one more classmate down...
Hey Nurse Chris, it's not the end of the world! Just thought I'd reiterate that point. Good luck.
LOL! Has, you are a man of few words, but when you do it is pure wisdom. Please, lecture my wife anytime. j/p
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