X-Men: The Last Stand

Where or where do I start? Yahoo news announced today that X-Men 3 had the largest opening for the Memorial Day weekend and the FOURTH largest opening EVER. All I could I think was, there are millions of poor souls who have WASTED their money this weekend.
I don't know who to blame: the writers, the director, or BOTH?!??! Maybe I should blame myself...perhaps I had high expectations for a third X-Men movie that virtually had all of the same characters returning.
Note: The follow comments may contain some spoilers. On second thought, if you've seen the previews, you basically have seen the best parts of the movie. The spoilers may even save you some money...

1) Writers tried too hard to ensure that there WOULD NOT be a 4th X-Men. My God! In order to make sure that there couldn't be a 4th movie, they did the easiest thing possible. They killed off key characters! And they twisted the plot so far off the actual X-Men comics that it was ridiculous. (I'm not a X-Men junkie, but it seemed like that some of the X-Men were written out of character) Jean Grey killing Cyclops with a death kiss? Then, the Phoenix killing the Professor by literally shredding him into millions of molecules?!?!? Then, Jean Grey being killed herself by Wolverine? I barely had time to mourn the death of the Professor! Rogue volunteered to be "cured" because she wanted to make-out with Iceman. Wasn't she supposed to be sassy and a semi-feminist?

-Cyclops mourning the death of Jean Grey
-The split-personality struggle between Jean Grey and the Phoenix
-The Professor's attempts to control the Phoenix
-The love triangle between Iceman, Rogue, and Kitty Pryde
-Archangel's personal crisis with his father wanting to cure him
-Rogue's personal crisis of not being able to touch people
-The "cure" being used as a weapon against mutants
-Rescuing the mutant boy that took away the powers of mutants
-The on-going rivalry between Iceman and Pyro

On the enemy side, it seemed as if writers were making up characters to fill up holes. There are other villians besides Magneto...what about Apocalypse?!?!?! And, I thought that the Sentinels were going to get more screen time! Instead, they were only holograms in the "Danger Room" for training purposes!

By the time I finished this movie, I was in complete denial. I refused to believe that the Professor was dead and that Magneto had lost his powers. For God' s sake, he was playing chess in the park by himself! So much had happened, but not to the detail I wanted to see it in. The fight scenes were short and predicable. The only mutant powers we really saw were those of Storm, Wolverine, and the Beast. I wanted more! I wanted to see more Iceman and more Rogue! Jeez, we didn't even see Cyclops fire a single heat ray...he died in the first 30 minutes! I don't think Collosus even turned into metal! All he did was hurl Wolverine into the air. He barely had 3 lines in the movie!
Sigh...I'm sad that there won't be a 4th so that they can get another chance to do it right. If they do, devote more time to the fight scenes and mutant powers. I didn't care about tying up loose ends...that attempt totally ruined the movie.