And then there were two!
Sigh...I finished my LAST final of this NP program! Finally DONE after 2.5 years in grad school! From part-time to full-time...whew! Now it's just the Family NP boards sometime in Feb or March. Anyways, lets rewind back four hours as I was finishing up my FINAL-FINAL!
I turned in my exam and returned to my desk to put things away. I was about to leave when I spotted a blue mechanical Pentel pencil under a desk. "Is that mine?!?!" I said outloud with a hint of panic. It couldn't be! Not again! Ever since that last episode, I have been VERY consious of my pencil. I searched through my bag and found it...but, that couldn't be... ANOTHER one!?!?
I was at a looked SO lonely sitting under that desk. At least it had an eraser and was in a safe location hidden away from foot traffic. Was it a simple reaction of mine to snatch that lone pencil? Do I get to keep it and save it as a back-up Pentel pencil? Would MY mechanical pencil become treatened by jealously? (seriously, I need to just step back and separate myself from this reality!)

Moral of the Story: Things in life do come full-circle...that's when you have the opportunity to make a wrong a right.
You've done well young Jedi, on behalf of the Jedi Council I congratulate you. May the pencil lead be with you.
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