Randomness Part II
I haven't blogged in a while. I've hit a dry spell with Tanookie moments plus haven't been in the mood lately. You think I would be blogging everyday with the free time I've had lately, but nope. You see, for the past 6 weeks (and counting), I've been jobless. No joke. I'm in between jobs right now. I'm waiting to start my nurse practitioner job at a Pediatric Gastroenterology practice in Baltimore. My contracts are pending and I can't legally work until they are all approved. It's been a tedious and hellacious process. Definitely worth blogging about, but I'll wait until I've been safely approved to prevent any backlashing on part of the Maryland Board of Nursing.
Anyways, I've been keeping myself busy around the house, running on the treadmill, meeting up with friends, seeing family, and attending plenty of graduations, weddings, picnics, and parties.
So, here's some news articles I have found interesting added with a bit of Tanookie-sassiness. (Click on the title of the paragraph.)
Article 1: Who cares?
I'm usually pretty up-to-date with the latest celebrity gossip, but when I heard this, I couldn't help but shake my head. I haven't heard a 'Backstreet Boys' song in over 5 years! I honestly thought that this boy-band broke up years ago. What mall or amusement park have they been performing in? He's 33 years old! There should be a boy-band rule that you are automatically turned over to the police once a band member turns 30 years old! I think I might have actually seen this Backstreet Boy enter the backdoor of the house featured on NBC's "On-line Predators".
Article2: What the?!?!
I find it highly amusing when there are news stories about a "latest study" are released to the public. It causes mass hysteria in the general public and forces millions of hyperchondriacs to call their general practitioners and question their care. This article was particularly funny. Not because of what the study says, but the link associated with the article. If you scroll to the bottom of the article it states, "For more information click on the link www.PNAS.COM". Ha! P-NAS!
Is it a wedding or a funeral?

If her hair weren't red, you'd really be able to see just how pale she really is!
Article 3 was a good read, you are really lucky to be in this field right now Chris.
Kamran-Thanks! Wish me luck when I start the new job in a couple of weeks!
BTW-We all just saw the new "Superman" movie. It was so awesome. Don't want to give away any spoilers, but it was WAY more than I expected. Makes me think if future X-Men movies focus on solitary characters (like the new Woverine movie) than it'll be a success!
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