Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pay It Foward

A few days ago, I received an email from my friend Katrina. In it she listed some things about her. Coincidentally, Kamran had received the same email and posted his answers on his blog. Both Katrina and Kamran listed me as someone who would respond to this request. So how can I turn it down?

1)Four jobs I have had in my life:
A) Edy's Ice Cream scooper
B) An R.A. at UMBC's Potomac Dorm
C) A temp receptionist

2) Four places I have lived:
A) Brunswick, GA (where I was born)
B) Jacksonville, FL (where my brother was born)
C) Gaithersburg, MD
D) Baltimore, MD

3) Four TV shows I love to watch:
A) LOST ( season premiere on October 4th!)
B) "Greatest Game Show Moments"
C) King of Queens
D) Anything on Food Network

4) Four places I have been on vacation:
A) Poconos Mountains in PA (camping and rafting)
B) Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica
C) Cancun, Mexico
D) Las Vegas

5) Four websites I visit daily:
A) (email and celebrity gossip)
C) (intranet at work)
D) ????

6) Four of my favorite foods:
A) Sushi-especial Edo's Shrimp Tempura Roll
B) Cheese Pizza
C) My dad's grilled hamburger
D) My MIL's beef kebobs

7) Four places I would rather be right now:
A) Sleeping on a beach
B) Boogey-boarding in the beach
C) Bora-Bora
D) On vacation

8) Four friends I think will respond:
A) Meenu
B) Jen Sumbilla (if she reads this blog)
C) Zehra? (she's a friend who reads this blog)
D) Damon